Objectives of the chosen area and its outcomes :

To encourage and increase the thinking process and to discourage memorization.
  • To make evaluation an integral part of teaching-learning process.
  • To use evaluation for improvement of students’ achievement and teaching – learning
    strategies on the basis of whole academic year followed by remedial instruction.
  • To use evaluation as a quality control device to maintain desired standard of
  • To determine social utility, desirability or effectiveness of a programme and take
    appropriate decisions about the students, the process of learning and the student’s
  • To make the process of teaching and learning interesting and innovating


CCE helps in improving student’s performance by identifying his/her learning difficulties at regular time intervals right from the beginning of the academic session and employing suitable remedial measures for enhancing their learning performance. Children learn in a variety of ways-through experience, making and doing things, experimentation, reading, discussion, asking, listening, thinking and reflecting, and expressing themselves in speech or writing-both individually and with others. They require opportunities of all these kinds in the course of their development Learning takes place both within school and outside school. Learning is enriched if the two arenas interact with each other. Art and work provide opportunities for holistic learning that is rich in tacit and aesthetic components. Such experiences are essentially to be learnt through direct experience and integrated into life. Learning must be paced so that it allows learners to engage with concepts and deepen understanding rather than remembering only to forget after examinations. At the same time learning must provide variety and challenge, and be interesting and engaging. Boredom is a sign that the task may have become mechanically repetitive for the child and of little cognitive value.

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